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2. The Nvidia packages necessary for installation of Radeon, 3Dfx and Matrox, the DRI Project
% the 3D support are NVIDIA_GLX-0.9-769.i386.rpm (http://dri.sourceforge.net/) makes ready-made
and NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-769.rh70-up.i386.rpm. driver packages available for self-compilation you
Both packages should be saved in /tmp to simplify can find the main ones on our cover CD. But since
matters. the drivers require Kernel 2.4 together with
With Red Hat, too, you must first swap the XFree86 4.0.1 or higher, the only suitable bases are
graphical user interface for the text console: After the latest distributions from SuSE, Red Hat or
switching over with [Ctrl+Alt+F1] log on as root and Mandrake. We will come back to this topic in a
switch off X with init 3. later issue. %
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