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fall round-up, and the near approach of winter with its loneliness, and
the children, all of which naturally led to more personal and
interesting topics.
"An' is it so, Columbine, that you're to marry Jack Belllounds?" asked
Mrs. Andrews, presently.
"Yes, I guess it is," replied Columbine, smiling.
"Humph! I'm no relative of yours or even a particular, close friend, but
I'd like to say--"
"Please don't," interposed Columbine.
"All right, my girl. I guess it's better I don't say anythin'. It's a
pity, though, onless you love this Buster Jack. An' you never used to do
that, I'll swan."
"No, I don't love Jack--yet--as I ought to love a husband. But I'll try,
and if--if I--I never do--still, it's my duty to marry him."
"Some woman ought to talk to Bill Belllounds," declared Mrs. Andrews
with a grimness that boded ill for the old rancher.
"Did you know we had a new man up at the ranch?" asked Columbine,
changing the subject.
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"You mean the hunter, Hell-Bent Wade?"
"Yes. But I hate that ridiculous name," said Columbine.
"It's queer, like lots of names men get in these parts. An' it'll stick.
Wade's been here twice; once as he was passin' with the hounds, an' the
other night. I like him, Columbine. He's true-blue, for all his strange
name. My men-folks took to him like ducks to water."
"I'm glad. I took to him almost like that," rejoined Columbine. "He has
the saddest face I ever saw."
"Sad? Wal, yes. That man has seen a good deal of what they tacked on to
his name. I laughed when I seen him first. Little lame fellar,
crooked-legged an' ragged, with thet awful homely face! But I forgot how
he looked next time he came."
"That's just it. He's not much to look at, but you forget his homeliness
right off," replied Columbine, warmly. "You feel something behind all
his--his looks."
"Wal, you an' me are women, an' we feel different," replied Mrs.
Andrews. "Now my men-folks take much store on what Wade can _do_. He
fixed up Tom's gun, that's been out of whack for a year. He made our
clock run ag'in, an' run better than ever. Then he saved our cow from
that poison-weed. An' Tom gave her up to die."
"The boys up home were telling me Mr. Wade had saved some of our cattle.
Dad was delighted. You know he's lost a good many head of stock from
this poison-weed. I saw so many dead steers on my last ride up the
mountain. It's too bad our new man didn't get here sooner to save them.
I asked him how he did it, and he said he was a doctor."
"A cow-doctor," laughed Mrs. Andrews. "Wal, that's a new one on me.
Accordin' to Tom, this here Wade, when he seen our sick cow, said she'd
eat poison-weed--larkspur, I think he called it--an' then when she drank
water it formed a gas in her stomach an' she swelled up turrible. Wade
jest stuck his knife in her side a little an' let the gas out, and she
got well."
"Ughh!... What cruel doctoring! But if it saves the cattle, then it's
"It'll save them if they can be got to right off," replied Mrs. Andrews.
"Speaking of doctors," went on Columbine, striving to make her query
casual, "do you know whether or not Wilson Moore had his foot treated by
a doctor at Kremmling?"
"He did not," answered Mrs. Andrews. "Wasn't no doctor there. They'd had
to send to Denver, an', as Wils couldn't take that trip or wait so long,
why, Mrs. Plummer fixed up his foot. She made a good job of it, too, as
I can testify."
"Oh, I'm--very thankful!" murmured Columbine. "He'll not be crippled
or--or club-footed, then?"
"I reckon not. You can see for yourself. For Wils's here. He was drove
up night before last an' is stayin' with my brother-in-law--in the other
cabin there."
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Mrs. Andrews launched all this swiftly, with evident pleasure, but with
more of woman's subtle motive. Her eyes were bent with shrewd kindness
upon the younger woman.
"Here!" exclaimed Columbine, with a start, and for an instant she was at
the mercy of conflicting surprise and joy and alarm. Alternately she
flushed and paled.
"Sure he's here," replied Mrs. Andrews, now looking out of the door. "He
ought to be in sight somewheres. He's walkin' with a crutch."
"Crutch!" cried Columbine, in dismay.
"Yes, crutch, an' he made it himself.... I don't see him nowheres. Mebbe
he went in when he see you comin'. For he's powerful sensitive about
that crutch."
"Then--if he's so--so sensitive, perhaps I'd better go," said Columbine,
struggling with embarrassment and discomfiture. What if she happened to
meet him! Would he imagine her purpose in coming there? Her heart began
to beat unwontedly.
"Suit yourself, lass," replied Mrs. Andrews, kindly. "I know you and
Wils quarreled, for he told me. An' it's a pity.... Wal, if you must go,
I hope you'll come again before the snow flies. Good-by."
Columbine bade her a hurried good-by and ventured forth with misgivings.
And almost around the corner of the second cabin, which she had to pass,
and before she had time to recover her composure, she saw Wilson Moore,
hobbling along on a crutch, holding a bandaged foot off the ground. He
had seen her; he was hurrying to avoid a meeting, or to get behind the
corrals there before she observed him.
"Wilson!" she called, involuntarily. The instant the name left her lips
she regretted it. But too late! The cowboy halted, slowly turned.
Then Columbine walked swiftly up to him, suddenly as brave as she had
been fearful. Sight of him had changed her.
"Wilson Moore, you meant to avoid me," she said, with reproach.
"Howdy, Columbine!" he drawled, ignoring her words.
"Oh, I was so sorry you were hurt!" she burst out. "And now I'm so
glad--you're--you're ... Wilson, you're thin and pale--you've suffered!"
"It pulled me down a bit," he replied.
Columbine had never before seen his face anything except bronzed and
lean and healthy, but now it bore testimony to pain and strain and
patient endurance. He looked older. Something in the fine, dark, hazel
eyes hurt her deeply.
"You never sent me word," she went on, reproachfully. "No one would tell
me anything. The boys said they didn't know. Dad was angry when I asked
him. I'd never have asked Jack. And the freighter who drove up--he lied
to me. So I came down here to-day purposely to ask news of you, but I
never dreamed you were here.... Now I'm glad I came."
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What a singular, darkly kind, yet strange glance he gave her!
"That was like you, Columbine," he said. "I knew you'd feel badly about
my accident. But how could I send word to you?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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