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To do a little of our own enrichment, Dr. Wenger guides you through re-experience life at each
of these levels. The  V you drew was in terms of vision, but most other senses and motor
functions could be mapped the same way, in reference to the medulla and cord, the pons, the
midbrain, and the cortex.
As you re-experience each of these levels, the intention is to use our imagination so vividly as to
activate to some degree many or most of our circuits at each of these levels. It may take some
practice to get these imagined experiences vivid enough for the purpose.
Take some time to practice this exercise on a regular basis. Make note of anything you
experience in response to doing the exercise.
Session 10: Improvitaping
In this session Dr. Wenger introduces another remarkable method for increasing your
intelligence. This exercise is called Improvitaping. This powerful exercise, when practiced
diligently, can vastly enhance your musical ability as well as your intellect. He follows with a
guided exercise entitled the  Being Is Seeing Exercise. This exercise allows you to experience
three worlds at the same time, all the while within one unchanged environment. It serves to
expand your awareness to realize that many worlds exist beyond that which you are consciously
aware of within one given time and place.
Exercise 29: Improvitaping
Below is an article from Winsights Index Part #13 on the www.winwenger.com website:
Part #13 (July 1997)
In 900 Minutes, YOU Can Be Composing Very Fine Music
in Your Own Genre
Even though recent Winsights columns have been very strongly into science and technology, the
arts are virtually as crucial in our concern for improving human ability, performance, and well-
being. Today s example presents the little-known fact that you, or virtually anyone, can become
a highly original composer of really fine music & or your preferred type of music, though this
writer is steeped in the classical. Whether you play an instrument with any skill whatever, or are
just a bathtub singer, the same principles hold.
All you need do to find yourself composing astonishingly good music is to set up a tape
recorder where you will be attempting to create music and to follow the simple 900 minute self-
training program we call  Improvitaping.
Yes, this simple 900-minute program does involve improvising, but even the narrowly formally
classically trained can do as we describe below and your payoff will utterly astonish you. But
unlike improv jazz and improv in other branches of music, you do not build up routines. In
fact, any time you find yourself playing familiar themes or anything you recognize, you change
away from it and let the feedback system we ve designed do its integrations at a deeper level
In only 900 minutes, you will be creating entire fine pieces of music, in your own preferred
genre, highly original, and in their own elegant form without your ever having had to wrestle
with composition formalities or other music theory. Just do the following simple 900-minute
self-training, and feedback and your own brain will take care of the rest. Here is this simple
900-minute self-training program, 180 minutes total per day for 10 days:
The Improvitape Technique
1. Simply play your chosen instrument (or bathtub-sing!) for a half hour per day while
recording on blank tape. Try to make it sound like a  real piece. Keep going for a half hour per
2. In so doing, steer away from recognized themes and patterns. Keep on doodling for that half-
hour per day, trying to make it sound like  a real piece.
3. And then the hardest part! Play back the tapes you made, for an hour per day. A half hour
while paying attention to the contents; the other half hour as background while you are doing
other things.
As simply as that! Within 10 days, doing this 90-minute-per-day program, as you run this simple
flow-with-feedback process, you will be amazed to discover:
" How much of what doesn t work drops out;
" How much of what bores the ear drops out; and
" How much of what does work reinforces up into good new pieces of music!
It s probably  wince-and-groan for you at first & [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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