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Mowrer's book contains neither index nor footnotes as to the source of his information and
Roberts has no specific evidence for his accusations. There is circumstantial evidence that
Deterding was pro-Nazi. He later went to live in Hitler's Germany and increased his share
of the German petroleum market. So there may have been some contributions, but these
have not been proven.
Similarly, in France (on January 11, 1932), Paul Faure, a member of the Chambre des
Dputs, accused the French industrial firm of Schneider-Creuzot of financing Hitler and
incidentally implicated Wall Street in other financing channels.10
The Schneider group is a famous firm of French armaments manufacturers. After recalling
the Schneider influence in establishment of Fascism in Hungary and its extensive
international armaments operations, Paul Faur turns to Hitler, and quotes from the French
paper LeJournal, "that Hitler had received 300,000 Swiss gold francs" from subscriptions
opened in Holland under the case of a university professor named von Bissing. The Skoda
plant at Pilsen, stated Paul Faur, was controlled by the French Schneider family, and it was
the Skoda directors von Duschnitz and von Arthaber who made the subscriptions to Hitler.
Faur concluded:
. . . I am disturbed to see the directors of Skoda, controlled by Schneider,
subsidizing the electoral campaign of M. Hitler; I am disturbed to see your
firms, your financiers, your industrial cartels unite themselves with the most
nationalistic of Germans ....
Again, no hard evidence was found for this alleged flow of Hitler funds.
Fritz Thyssen and W.A. Harriman Company of New York
Another elusive case of reported financing of Hitler is that of Fritz Thyssen, the German
steel magnate who associated himself with the Nazi movement in the early 20s. When
interrogated in 1945 under Project Dustbin,11 Thyssen recalled that he was approached in
1923 by General Ludendorf at the time of French evacuation of the Ruhr. Shortly after this
meeting Thyssen was introduced to Hitler and provided funds for the Nazis through General
Ludendorf. In 1930-1931 Emil Kirdorf approached Thyssen and subsequently sent Rudolf
Hess to negotiate further funding for the Nazi Party. This time Thyssen arranged a credit of
250,000 marks at the Bank Voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V. at 18 Zuidblaak in
Rotterdam, Holland, founded in 1918 with H.J. Kouwenhoven and D.C. Schutte as
managing partners.12 This bank was a subsidiary of the August Thyssen Bank of Germany
(formerly von der Heydt's Bank A.G.). It was Thyssen's personal banking operation, and it
was affiliated with the W. A. Harriman financial interests in New York. Thyssen reported to
his Project Dustbin interrogators that:
I chose a Dutch bank because I did not want to be mixed up with German
banks in my position, and because I thought it was better to do business with a
Dutch bank, and I thought I would have the Nazis a little more in my hands.13
Thyssen's book I Paid Hitler, published in 1941, was purported to be written by Fritz
Thyssen himself, although Thyssen denies authorship. The book claims that funds for Hitler
about one million marks came mainly from Thyssen himself. I Paid Hitler has other
unsupported assertions, for example that Hitler was actually descended from an illegitimate
child of the Rothschild family. Supposedly Hitler's grandmother, Frau Schickelgruber, had
been a servant in the Rothschild household and while there became pregnant:
... an inquiry once ordered by the late Austrian chancellor, Engelbert Dollfuss,
yielded some interesting results, owing to the fact that the dossiers of the police
department of the Austro-Hungarian monarch were remarkably complete.14
This assertion concerning Hitler's illegitimacy is refuted entirely in a more solidly based
book by Eugene Davidson, which implicates the Frankenberger family, not the Rothschild
In any event, and more relevant from our viewpoint, the August Thyssen front bank in
Holland i.e., the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V. controlled the Union
Banking Corporation in New York. The Harrimans had a financial interest in, and E.
Roland Harriman (Averell's brother) was a director of, this Union Banking Corporation.
The Union Banking Corporation of New York City was a joint Thyssen-Harriman operation
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