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Magonia, case 391
 A buzzing or humming sound  It moved slowly, producing a humming sound
 A loud noise and illuminating their car
Fatima, July 13, 1917 Magonia, case 425
 A small whitish cloud forms  A flattened dome giving off a blinding light,
 Falling flower petals, melt away illuminating the countryside
 A luminous globe spinning through the clouds  It flew away while a bright cloud slowly fell to
 A bright flash the ground at the site
Fatima, August 13, 1917 Magonia, case 255
 A globe of light settles about a tree  A silvery disk maneuvering in the sky
 A strange fragnance  A feeling of intense cold
 Lowering of temperature  A powerful odor as the object left
 Bright flash,  roar of a rocket Magonia, case 615
Fatima, August 19, 1917
 A globe of light advancing along the valley  They heard a strange humming sound and saw
 Comes from E to W and rests on the tree two disks hovering 1 m. above the ground
 A white cloud forms  They rose with a sharp whistling sound, while
 Shiny white petals fall trees below them bent double
Fatima, September 13, 1917 Magonia, case 442
 A weird disk that turns rapidly  A disk three times as large as the sun, red and
 A flat disk plunges in zig-zag fashion purple, spinning rapidly was seen descending
 The clothes of the witnesses were dry in spite swiftly toward the ground
of the recent rain Magonia, case 321
Fatima, October 13, 1917
 When the object left, a cloud of dense smoke
was forming under the rain. The witness found
the trees, grass and ground perfectly dry
Magonia, case 292
There is in many of us, obviously, a deep-seated desire to assent to extraterrestrial forces  to
be embraced by them, overwhelmed by them, and if possible deprived by them of our own
weary responsibility for ourselves.
"Hiccups from Outer Space"
Russell Davies, reviewing
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
in The Observer, March 19, 1978
Although the UFO phenomenon is highly complex and stretches the boundaries of the scientific
method, I am not prepared to abandon the rational approach to knowledge for conclusions based on
faith, intuition, or the alleged messages recieved by "channels" and contactees. There is too much at
We have a rare opportunity to improve scientific techniques and to glimpse beyond the limits of
ordinary reality. But it would be foolish to attempt it without a clear recognition of certain pitfalls.
What I will call, in Chapter Eight, the "triple coverup" is concerned with these pitfalls: the UFO
phenomenon is shielded from direct study by the persistent, misguided official denial of its very
existence; it is made more confusing by the reactions and fears of witnesses; and it is further
protected from ultimate discovery by its own structure.
The subject also carries political overtones. As a source of rumors within military as well as civilian
populations, UFO stories can be manipulated for a variety of reasons that may have nothing to do
with the government's interest in the phenomenon. We live in a world where any rumor can be
exploited, any cult is a potential force, any belief can alter established regimes. The expectation of
extraterrestrial visitors is a powerful potential source of new social and political trends.
There is no proof that the UFO phenomenon is of extraterrestrial origin. On the contrary, we see in
Chapter Nine that several compelling arguments converge to deny the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
Finally, in Chapter Ten, I present a possible framework for an extension of our current research into
the form of reality where the UFO phenomenon seems to originate.
8. Fighting the Triple Coverup
We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your letter... regarding the photographs showing
UFOs in formational flight, which you mention were taken by Captain Orrego of the Chilean
Navy near Antarctica in 1948.
Regarding this matter we wish to inform you that recently we recieved a communication
from Captain Orrego stating that he had not seen any UFOs over Antarctica in 1948.
Therefore the photographs requested by you do not exist.
Letter from the Chief of the Chilean
Naval Mission to an American writer
It is forbidden for TV, radio, newspapers, and other news media to divulge UFO reports
without the prior censorship of the Brazilian Air Force.
Institutional Act No. 5, State Security
Brazilian Government Regulation
The Invisible College
After some thirty years of research into this phenomenon, I have reached new conclusions.
Tentative as they are, they shed light on the experiences of "abductees" and on the reluctance of
professional scientists to analyze the facts.
I believe that a UFO is both a physical entity with mass, inertia, volume, and physical parameters
that we can measure, and a window into another reality. Is this why witnesses can give us at the
same time a consistent factual narrative and a description of contact with forms of life that fit no
acceptable framework? These forms of life, such as the small gray men seen by Kathy, may be real,
yet a product of our dreams. Like our dreams, we can look into their hidden meaning, or we can
ignore them. But like our dreams, they may also shape our lives in many ways.
The phenomenon has made a significant impact in my own experience. On two occasions I have [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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